
Graphic Designer of: MINEHEAD SUMMER FESTIVAL 2018

May 27, 2020

We are extremely proud to have been picked as the design and print studio for MINEHEAD SUMMER FESTIVAL 2018, Scheduled for the 4-5th of August 2018.

Our team of experienced designers have spent many hours coming up with the perfect graphic solution to publicised Minehead’s biggest event since the summer festival of 2015. We have spent many hours of painstaking development to come up with a design that’s an eye catching theme that really gets to the heart of this unprecedented event.

This year Minehead will host an awe-inspiring display from  'Thundercats Racing' alongside 'Aquax Jet Ski racing', it is sure to be a day to remember!

Be sure to book yourself up for the first weekend in August to see this spectacular event on Saturday the 4th and Sunday the 5th of August.

For more information please visit: